Release notes

Release Notes

  • 2024/05/28 : Removed all mentions of the version 2.0 of the CG Cinematography book which was previously due for Q4 2020. The website will still receive updates but at a slower pace than I previously thought.





  • 2022/04/20 : Added book and videos’ links on Chapter 1. I will never get tired of Color Management apparently…


  • 2022/01/08 : Massive update on Chapter 1. There was nothing wrong about it per-se but I think it is now more accurate, better explained and even shorter ! I have added explanations about Transfer Functions, Display Linear and Display Transforms. I have also removed the paragraphs about “The Zone System” and “Mid-gray”, which eventually will end up in a separated article. Renders and terminology have also been improved in the “scene-linear workflow” section. After spending dozens of hours on this update, I am pretty pleased with the result.



  • 2021/12/31 : Change of servers to increase the speed of the website. A bit of maintenance on the Compositing Chapter.


  • 2021/10/15 : Updates on the post about OCIO and Display Transforms. Zach Lewis and Kevin Campbell were kind enough to share their thoughts with me and I updated on a few things (such as OCIO implementation and texturing in ACEScg) to avoid any ambiguity. Thanks guys !



  • 2021/08/27 : Several updates of WordPress. Removed the contact form as I was getting lots of spam emails. Updates on the Albedo chapter (added a “linear – sRGB” chart, fixed some values…)


  • 2021/06/03 : Updates on the ACES chapter. Trying to be as accurate as I can and sharing my latest findings about the ACES’ issues (mostly thanks to the Output Transform VWG).





  • Various updates and improvements on all chapters.
  • Ctrl + f is now available on the website.
  • Removal of the softwares and Pointer’s gamut sections from the ACES chapter. These sections will be re-integrated as new articles soon.
  • A new section in Chapter 8.5 about Clemence Vangout self-portrait.
  • A new chapter about Shot lighting that it is completely dissociated from Chapter 8.5 about Character lighting.
  • Two new categories : What’s new and Articles have been created.
  • All images have their copyrights embedded, are in Full HD, loaded through Smart Slider and can be displayed in full screen. Yep, that’s 1195 images in total !

Version 1.1 summary

  • 2020/09/16 : Finished the update of the ACES chapter. Version 1.1 of my website is officially out there. Yay !
  • 2020/09/15 : Finished the ACES limitations of the ACES chapter. Created a new category : Articles and moved the post Guerilla Render in Production. This category is for posts that do not fit in the CG Cinematography book.
  • 2020/09/14 : Updated most images and sliders for the ACES chapter. Started to write on Hue skews and Posterization. One more day !
  • 2020/09/13 : Finished the color_picking paragraph for the ACES chapter. Improvements on the ACES limitations paragraph are on its way… This is endless really…
  • 2020/09/12 : More fixes on the ACES chapter. Mostly about the inverted ODT workflow and the color_picking role. I have also removed some double information about the ODT limitations and the ACES RAE paragraph. Almost there !
  • 2020/09/07 : More improvements on the ACES chapter. Fixed some typos, improved the accuracy of some sentences, added more details and explanation… Devil is in the details.
  • 2020/09/06 : Changed the order of many paragraphs in the ACES chapter. Added a couple of headings for the RRT and Shaper paragraphs. Slowly getting there…
  • 2020/09/05 : More updates and cleaning of the ACES chapter. The full update is going to take some time !
  • 2020/09/04 : Creation of the category What’s new and the post Release notes for better tracking of updates.
  • 2020/09/03 : Removal of the softwares and Pointer’s gamut sections from the ACES chapter. These sections will be re-integrated as new articles soon. This is part of a big update on the ACES chapter that is coming.


  • 2020/08/27 : Linear workflow slider is improved and Shoji screens have a better sampling.
  • 2020/08/26 : Global check of all chapters (but ACES). Most slides should have a title and a copyright with a black background when possible.
  • 2020/08/25 : Minor adjustments on Appendix 1. Update of two sliders about sequence lighting.
  • 2020/08/12 : Chapter 2 has been updated : full HD images, full screen sliders, embedded copyrights, jpeg’s size and bullets with numbers in sliders. ACES here I come !
  • 2020/08/11 : Update to WordPress 5.5.
  • 2020/08/09 : Chapter 3 has been updated : full HD images, full screen sliders, embedded copyrights, jpeg’s size and bullets with numbers in sliders. This took a while !


  • 2020/04/21 : New section about Clemence Vangout self-portrait.
  • 2020/04/19 : Change of content protection plug-in to allow screenshots and search option (Ctrl+F).
  • 2020/04/18 : Chapter 4 has been updated : full HD images, full screen sliders, embedded copyrights, jpeg’s size and bullets with numbers in sliders. Almost there.
  • 2020/04/14 : Update on non-OCIO softwares in Chapter 1.5.
  • 2020/04/13 : Chapter 1 and Chapter 5 have been updated : full HD images, full screen sliders, embedded copyrights, jpeg’s size and bullets with numbers in sliders. Only four to go !
  • 2020/04/11 : Update on ODT limitations in Chapter 1.5.
  • 2020/04/10 : Chapter 6 and Appendix 1 have been updated : full HD images, full screen sliders, embedded copyrights, jpeg’s size and bullets with numbers in sliders. Keep going !
  • 2020/04/07 : Chapter 7 and Introduction have been updated : full HD images, full screen sliders, embedded copyrights, jpeg’s size and bullets with numbers in sliders. Step by step.
  • 2020/04/05 : Chapter 10 and Conclusion have been updated : full HD images, full screen sliders, embedded copyrights, jpeg’s size and bullets with numbers in sliders. Just the beginning…
  • 2020/04/04 : Chapter 9 has been updated : full HD images, full screen sliders, embedded copyrights, jpeg’s size and bullets with numbers in sliders.
  • 2020/04/03 : Night Bar example provided in Chapter 8.





  • 2019/12/01 : Updates on ACES use in softwares and workflow. I also started the release notes to keep track of the changes (originally located in the conclusion).


  • 2019/10/06 : Release of the CG Cinematography book. Each chapter has at least a beginning, a middle and an end. Version 1.0 covers around 70% of everything I would like to put in my book.
